Re: State of the X clipboard, and perhaps a solution

From: Jerry Haltom <wasabi larvalstage net>

> > provide to the clipboard daemon an object which provides methods to obtain
> > the data in whatever manner the developer wishes (persistent database,
> > flat file, internally to the object) as well as the conversion methods
> > for the formats that are supported.  
> Ahh! I did consider this. The problem this presents though is how do you
> get enough logic into the clipboard daemon to handle all possible types
> for all possible programs? You would have to have Gnumeric for example
> insert the logic to convert a spreadsheet into text, xml, html, binary
> spreadsheet, OpenOffice spreadsheet format, etc. That sounds fairly
> hard, and really not all that useful.

My point, however was that the daemon doesn't have to have logic for
the types - instead, all it has to do is to invoke the object's method
for the first of the types requested from the requestor, and let the
code in the object take care of the type.
Tcl - The glue of a new generation.  <URL: >
Larry W. Virden <mailto:lvirden cas org> <URL:>
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