Re: bug-buddy branched for 2.6

On 13/04/2004 5:53 AM, Fernando Herrera wrote:

	Hi to all!. I've just branched bug-buddy for gnome 2.6.
So gnome-2-6 is the stable branch, and HEAD is the branch development
for 2.7
	New stuff for 2.7:
		* Get ride of sendmail and move to HTTP POST (libsoup)
		* Lot of code clean up (thanks to Simon Frankau!)
		* Lot of secret plans!! (add your fauvorite here!)
I know doesn't currently support it, but it would be good to get it to look for a /localconfig.rdf file for the description of the bugzilla instead of the Gnome specific bugzilla-config.xml and bugzilla-products.xml. This is a new feature in bugzilla 2.17, and should make bug-buddy less Gnome specific in the future.

An example of the format is at


Email: james daa com au

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