Re: [Patch] A clipboard daemon for gnome-settings-daemon

On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 06:10, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 12:35:01AM -0400, Jody Goldberg wrote: 
> > The core of my problem with the Klipper approach is that it seems
> > over eager.  Why serialize and de-serialize a potentially large
> > amount of data, in several formats unless you really need to.  As
> > long as the application continues to run it is the best repository
> > of the information.  My understanding of the problem being addressed
> > is that we want to have clipboard content last even when an
> > application exits.  In that situation could we not transfer the
> > content only on exit ?
> Right, that's what Owen has always wanted to do. I don't think it gets
> you out of the core problem though (it's really still broken if
> pasting before exit and pasting after exit gives different results; so
> you really still want to preserve all possible formats when the
> clipboard manager takes over). So it seems to me like "take over only
> at exit" is more of an optimization than a solution.

[Disclaimer: these are the ramblings of a muppet who knows nothing about
the clipboard]

And the reason why pasting before exit and pasting after exit would give
different results is if all the different formats aren't individually
transferred to the clipboard manager, and the reason that would
sometimes suck is that with large amounts of data it would be slow.

So can't we have 2 cases:
1) With small amounts of data, transfer everything to the clipboard
manager on exit
2) With large amounts of data, have the clipboard manager warn the user
on the application's exit that this is a large amount of data on the
clipboard and will take up a lot of memory to keep it there, are they
sure they want to do this. Like Windows does.

Or won't that work?

Andrew Sobala <aes gnome org>

The lighting designer is expected to be a master of art, science,
history, psychology, communications, politics and sometimes even
mind reading. -- Stage Lighting Design 101

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