Re: gnome system tools

<quote who="Murray Cumming Comneon com">

> I really really want to see some of the gnome-setup-tools in GNOME 2.6,
> for stuff like Time, Users, and Network.

Sticking with those suggestions:

Time: Definitely, and if it looked very similar to all of our other
preference dialogues, even better. g-s-t tools have an internally consistent
look'n'feel within g-s-t, but not with control-center.

Users: Very controversial, if only because we have to consider 'home' case
as well as the 'enterprise' case. Most of my GNOME boxes don't have local
users, they're all in LDAP. pam only goes so far, and you can't create a
one-size-fits-all LDAP user management ui (without a lot of depthy generic
design and config stuff, which would be inappropriate for the 'home' case).
This is a hard problem, even for the distros that provide this stuff. I'm
not sure where the line is drawn though - would we be happy shipping a g-s-t
tool for the 'home' case, that could be disabled very easily? Hmm.

Network: Not quite so controversial, would be nice. Dare I suggest that it
could provide notification areas stuff, similar to Windows? :-)

There are all sorts of sticky issues in g-s-t land, which makes it all the
more satisfying to solve them... Much encouragement to the g-s-t guys! :-)

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
  "If you want to start a debate on a subject, however, all that seems to
     be necessary is to involve perennial target Richard Gooch." - LWN

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