Re: [Epiphany] epiphany toolbar/bookmarks

I've used epiphany for some weeks now, and understand what some are complaining about. My impression is that people are finding the bookmark model *different*, which isn't to say that it is worse (or bad). My experience is that it has been workable, though I'm not sure yet if it is better or worse than the standard approach put forth by netscape several years ag, which mozilla and galeon both seem to follow for the most part. Maybe people are missing the bookmarks menu (on the main menu bar), as they've used it since the dawn of browsing?

Don't get me wrong, epiphany is quite nice (good job!). It is small and effective, which is really important for normal users. Maybe adding back the bookmarks menu (as in mozilla) would be helpful? On reason for this is that a lot of users have formed their mental model around the classic IE and Netscape bookmark menus, despite how bad of an interface approach it may be. Or maybe given time, people can get used to the new approach?



gnomedesktop has lots of vague complaints about the epiphany bookmark
system, though I can't make much sense of it and I'm not sure whether it's
just the same kid posting repeatedly. And I've also heard some vague
criticism of the bookmarks or toolbars from more reliable sources.

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