Re: GU4DEC- Make it what you want...

Hey there,

A little while back I sent out the email below. I hope everyone has read
it and thought about coming to Dublin a few days earlier. I am in the
process of generating a list of people who are planning to come earlier.
Please let me know if you are planning on arriving earlier so that I can
get an idea of numbers and possible summit themes that are being held -
and set up resources if neccessary.

I would very much encourage people to start organizing their trip to
Ireland sooner rather than later.

				Glynn :)

On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 00:48, Glynn Foster wrote:
> Hey,
> As announced, the conference is officially scheduled for 16th-18th June,
> in Dublin, Ireland. We even have a very provisional plan of events -
> 	Monday 16th         Developer Conference
> 	Tuesday 17th        Developer Conference
> 	Wednesday 18th      User & Business Day [plus tutorials!]
> Now, unfortunately by that stage it will be *well* over a year since the
> last GUADEC in Seville, and almost a year since the Boston GNOME Summit.
> In GNOME years, that's *WAAAAAY* too long to be apart from one
> another....
> So why not consider arranging with others to arrive in Ireland a little
> earlier? GU4DEC is YOUR opportunity to organize a summit for the
> projects you are working on. We hope to have some sort of facilities [if
> only a networking room] in place for the 14th & 15th June.
> Let's plan for the future of GNOME, then celebrate with a few beers
> during the conference.
> - The GU4DEC Planning Committee
> [It may also prove more cost efficient to arrive earlier - it's worth
>  checking]

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