Actually, there is a strange story about gswitchit (for me it is a bit bitter but let personal things stand aside:). It was included into 2.4 app list. Then, it was excluded with some foggy explanations about non-compliant UI (I cannot really claim these accusations were false - they just did not contain any details I could use as hints for improvements) - and absolutely correct notion that it does not work with non-xkb X servers (I confirm that it should word with any X server supporting xkb - just fill bugreports in case of problems). Then, Jeff called for some UI review - and noone cared to perform one (or publish results?). And now I am suddenly finding out (from Havoc's responce) that instead of using gswitchit (correct me if I am wrong here) GNOME is going to fix gkb-xkb backend - which is good thing itself - but it hasn't been done in course of all these years starting from GNOME 1 (actually, I would not start gswitchit if gkb would love xkb at that time) - so who can guarantee GNOME core team (mostly English speaking and typing AFAIK:) will find some spare time to do it by 2.4? Sorry, probably this message sounds too scandalous but I just really would love to hear some statement from GNOME maintainers about keyboard i18n policy. GNOME is really great in unicode rendering department, so I was always surprised why noone really cared about proper xkb support. In order to display Russian characters, one probably first wants to input them...:) Actually, what I'd propose is to have quick meeting at GUADEC and discuss this. How does this sound to you, Havoc? -- Sergey
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