Re: A Few Standard Folders [Re: Structure in $HOME]

On 13 Jan 2003, Andrew Sobala wrote:

> Date: 13 Jan 2003 21:02:12 +0000
> From: Andrew Sobala <aes gnome org>
> To: Rodney Dawes <dobey free fr>
> Cc: Seth Nickell <snickell stanford edu>, Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie>,
>      Claes Holmerson <claes it-slav net>, desktop-devel-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: A Few Standard Folders [Re: Structure in $HOME]
> It would be nicer to have totally normal directory, and customise where
> "Movies" are stored in gconf. Otherwise you'll really confuse
> terminal/dual-windowing-something-else-with-gnome users.

[i see that Seth agrees in his post just a few minutes after yours]

This is pretty much what Microsoft Windows does.  There is a Registry Key
that specifies the location of the My Documents folder.  There is a
PowerTool called TweakUI which allows you to change the location of the My
Documents folder.

Anyone know how the Mac does this kind of thing?  i only vaguely recall
that it does something similar, i mumbled stuff about this to dobey and
anna in Boston back in september during the File Selector talk but never
properly followed up on it.

I cant imagine this would be significantly more difficult than having a
special kind of folder which is the Desktop, which presumably does not get
called Desktop in every language?

Alan Horkan

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