Re: Jhbuild meta-gnome-desktop missing some modules

On 22/08/03 05:28, Mark Finlay wrote:

Jhbuild meta-gnome-desktop, before yesterday, was missing:

- gconf-editor
- gnome-utils
- gnome-media
- gnome-system-monitor
- gnome-games
- gnome2-user-docs
- gtk-thinice-engine

If you look at the change log, you will see that this was removed on purpose. The theme engine is in gnome-themes now.

- gdm

This one is quite difficult. Does it even make sense to install gdm in a non-system prefix? Can it be tested by a non-root user?

- audiofile

This one is handled in the bootstrap.

ps. Would it be useful to have a simple startgnome script, or an example
xinitrc/gdm session file?

Don't know. the file would probably just contain "exec jhbuild run gnome-session"


Email: james daa com au

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