RE: 2.4 Module List - zenity

> From: Glynn Foster [mailto:glynn foster sun com] 
> gman kowabunga:~$ zenity --help

Thanks. I know you don't want to hear this, but I think that API is big
enough that it's bound to evolve over time. A future version in GNOME 3
would obviously want to add or change API.

By the way:

> List options
>   --column=STRING            Set the column header
>   --checklist                Use check boxes for first column
>   --radiolist                Use radio buttons for first column
>   --separator=STRING         Set output separator character
>   --editable                 Allow changes to text

Is this a TreeView?
How is list data provided?
How is structured data such as this returned?

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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