gnome-panel and SVG icons

Playing a bit with vector graphic and sodipodi, I start to build an icon

Unfortunately the panel don't use them. Or, better, it seems to ignore

The attachment is a minimalistic icon theme with only gnome-terminal
icon. Choose it and look around:
        * svg icon is used in application://System Tools page in
        * svg icon is used in desktop launcher dragged from panel one
        * svg icon is not used in panel launcher
        * svg icon is not used in Application -> System Tools menu

I wrote a wrong theme file, or it's a gnome-panel bug, or .deskop files
should not specify the .png extension?

BTW we need an icon selector more like KDE one: now we can only choose a
file, but we should manage themes too. Is it in libgnomeui, is't it?

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Attachment: Example_icon_theme.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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