Re: Killing views [Was: Dealing with files in Gnome]

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 14:05, Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 April 2003 14:27, Julien Olivier wrote:
> > Yes, I know that. But that's only theory. In practice, konqueror IS
> > crippled. For example, it has a location bar, previous/next icons which
> > come from the fact that it may be a web navigator. It has a "print" icon
> > which is useless when browsing your files etc...
> How I see it:
> I think that the Locationbar, Previous/Next and Print are indeed important 
> features for a Filemanager.

> - Print is necessary if you want a list with files printed out e.g. Filesizes, 
> Dates, Attributes etc.

Arf, Konqueror from KDE 3.1 doesn't allow that. And I don't know anyone
sensible who would actually use this.

/Bastien Nocera

#2  0x4205a2cc in printf ("Oh my %s\n", preferred_deity) from
/lib/i686/ printf ("Oh my %s\n", preferred_deity);
Segmentation fault

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