Ideas for mime db changes

Let's face it, mime-type handling in G2 (gnome-vfs) is, well, not that
great and the first change that should probably happen is switching to
the Shared MIME Info spec, but that leaves some things
out, most notably: handlers for MIME Types.  This could, of course, be
done additional elements in the MIME xml files, however we've already
got the vfolders spec and all-applications: which is used to build the
"Run Command..." list, among other things.

Now, it seems to me that the "Use Custom Command" part of the mime-types
dialog is broken (and ugly in Nautilus ;-() and changing it to "Use
Custom Application" with a list of all the applications (and a button to
"Add New App...") and simply modifying (or copying to the user vfolder
and then modifying) the MimeTypes key with the new mime-type would be a
much cleaner way to go, along with allowing all registered "custom apps"
to be categorized and show up in the menus (if you choose).

This is still missing some way of specifying "DefaultApp" which could be
done through additional elements in the mime-type .xml file or an
X-GNOME-MIMEPriority key or something in the .desktop file. Is this at
least somewhat workable?


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