Re: How do I switch to Sawfish??

On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 11:05:54PM +0200, textshell neutronstar dyndns org wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 03:06:44PM -0400, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> > > The Window Manager in a desktop environment should be prechosen and just
> > > work. And if you really need a different Window Manager then you are
> > > advanced enough to search for it in gconf-editor, do a killall ...., or
> > > just ask someone how to do it.
> All software sucks, force one window manager at the user when there is no single
> window manager that it the least sucking one for most users 

You know what's funny? How quickly people forget history (even recent
Not so many years ago, being able to switch the window manager was one of
the many great advantages of GNOME over KDE...

And also that you could so easily tweak the desktop so you had just that
right feel and not the feel pre-imposed.

Having things that just work, well... they only just work... they don't
necessarily feel as good to everyone... being able to tweak is a Good
Thing, convincing people that they are advanced just because they can
change gconf keys? Puh-lease... More advanced than a robot? Yes.
Advanced? No way...

Anyway, it is always a hard balance between defining what's good and
what's not, and how to balance tastes, but you definitely can't force
peace between the hosts of Greece and Troy so let's not pretend there is
a configuration silver bullet, m'kay?


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