Re: that darned accessibility capplet

Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org> wrote:
> I don't understand the question.  The master switch sets a per user
> gconf flag.  are you looking named profiles within a single users
> account ?

Yes, that's what I had in mind.

IIRC switching keyboard-accessibility on and off for different users was
one of the major reasons given for the existence of the toggle-button in
question -- and what I noticed is that such a button only helps in some
situations[0] but not in others[1].  Therefore I wondered whether profiles
might not be a more thorough solution to the problem.

(It's not that I'm sure profiles really make sense for a multi-user system
at all, though.  Hmmm... and even if they did make sense perhaps they
would better be implemented as a generic gconf-mechanism and not as a
dialog-specific feature.)


[0] `A user that needs accessibility sharing his account with a user that

[1] `A user that needs accessibility sharing his account with a user that
needs accessibility, too, only configured in a different way.'[2]

[2] Yes, [1] might very well be less common than [0].

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