patch for the "About GNOME" dialog box

The attached is a patch to gnome-about.c in libgnomeui
for your consideration.  It adds a line "GNU Network
Object Model Environment" to the "about GNOME" dialog
box, as well as a hyperlink from the word "GNU" to  I think it is a good idea to show
explicitly what "GNOME" stands for.  Right now no
where is the full name of GNOME displayed and that can
be confusing to the new user.  Tbis additional display
also helps promoting the concept of Free Software.

This patch does not modify the per-application about
dialog box.  These two gnome-about's are separate. 

The strings are in plain English and not
"gettextized", as I assume the text should be in
English in this context everywhere no matter what the
local is.

Thanks for your consideration,

Andy Tai

Attachment: gnome-about.c.patch
Description: gnome-about.c.patch

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