Re: Default WM theme settings

On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 18:43, Michael Toomim wrote:
> Jason F. McBrayer wrote:
> >>3) Klarth (or even a Klarth-like clone) will need a "makeover" without
> >>changing its functionality.
> > usability problems is adjusting to titlebar font-size.  3 might be
> > rather easy, but will require some love from someone with artistic
> > skills (look at the Sanity theme to see how much I lack these). In fact,
> > it would be more or less trivial to re-skin Sanity's infrastructure,
> > which supports all the usability features that Klarth does (though I
> > haven't released the support for resizing the titlebar along with the
> > user's font, since scaling the flat images in Sanity looks awful with a
> > gdk-pixbuf sawfish).
> Would it really be easy to re-skin Klarth or Sanity?  Two of Klarth's 
> features are its ability to match one's gtk theme and to resize itself 
> proportional to one's font.  Both of these features are hard to design 
> decorations around, aren't they?  I figured that this was one of the 
> reasons that Klarth and Sanity have simple looks.

Crux also matches the GTK theme, and it needs to be fixed to resize
properly. Another option is to let this slide for now, and hit the issue
again when we have a window manager we get to do what we want
(Metacity), perhaps for GNOME 2.2. Crux was the default in 1.4, and
seeing as the debates are over the merits of the default vs. the merits
of a new theme, and we the future potential for a window manager + theme
combo that is a lot better, I'm inclined to say we should wait on

There are lots of things that I think are really great about Klarth (as
evidenced by the time I've spent discussing it with Kenny while he was
actively working on it). I hope we can come up with something that is
both as attractive as Crux, but fixes the various problems it has (small
buttons, font resizing, etc).


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