Re: Fifth-toe list (was Re: [Usability]thoughts on ui-review for fifth toe)

On Thu, 2002-07-11 at 10:41, Sander Vesik wrote:

> > > > > gnucash

> > I assume you meant this to refer only to gnucash and evo; dunno about
> > gnucash but it will be a long while before evo is ready. 
> > 
> actually, just evo, and we seem to be on agreement on it. I have no idea
> of gnucach-es status.

The situation with GnuCash is as follows. We got soundly criticized for
the 1.6.0 release relying on 'to many cutting edge libs'. Due to this we
have no plans for our next release to be a port to GNOME2. Our current
timeline is as follows;

1.8.x - Current CVS is being developed towards this with several new
features (Business module, OFX support, Scheduled Transactions), a
usability UI cleanup and a new Users Guide. Based on GNOME 1.4.
Release plans - late summer/fall.

2.0.x - Once the 1.8 release is out we will then move to porting to
GNOME2. Our hope with this is that the majority of the distro's will
have support in place for GNOME2 so this will minimize the need for an
upgrade of system component's in order to support GnuCash 2.0

Chris Lyttle

RedHat Certified Engineer #807302549405490.
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