Re: gnome-core and yelp doesn't build

Christian Marillat wrote:

"MH" == Mikael Hallendal <micke codefactory se> writes:

fre 2002-01-25 klockan 11.10 skrev Christian Marillat:


I've purged and reinstalled all the Gnome 2 package without success.

Ok, I think this should be taken to Debian bug tracking system or

Finally, I've found the problem I've an old glibconfig.h in /usr/include

Sorry for the noise.

This might partly be a bug in yelp for adding "-I $(includedir)" to CFLAGS in the makefiles. This is the sort of thing that would break the build, by having things in /usr/include take precedence when they shouldn't.


Email: james daa com au

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