Re: the fate of control-center-plus

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 16:49, Richard Hestilow wrote:
> So, there are so few capplets left nowadays in control-center-plus that
> I am very tempted to re-merge the modules. The old rationale was partly
> that they were all crap capplets that were a bitch to maintain, but now
> that theme-switcher and file-types are rewritten I don't think that's
> too much of a reason any more. They should stay in "Advanced" but I
> think dependency-wise it's easier to move the three capplets (and the
> assorted "desktop-links" for sawfish, etc) back into g-c-c proper. I
> would be willing to do the non-cvs surgery part of the merging work, but
> I would need someone with the proper rights to do the surgery itself.
> Hovinen, Chema, any comments?

Yes, please do this.  It's a major pain from a packaging standpoint to
have two separate modules.


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