gnome-applets 1.90.1

Heya all. Yes a release of gnome-applets targeting the GNOME 2.0 panel.
You need to get the gnome-core-1.5.4 release.

Here's the status and what's new for the applets:

* mixer: UI redone and simplified and made better (Richard Hult)

* cdplayer, drivemount: prefs dialog ported to GtkDialog, prefs use
gconf (Chris Phelps)

* gkb-new: Port prefs dialog to GtkTreeView
* multiload: monitor applets consolidated into one applet with
preferences for which data to display. Prefs use gconf now (Todd
* mini-comander: ported by Oliver Maruhn

* modemlights: Port prefs to gconf and prefs dialog to GtkDialog

* panel-menu: new applet to provide functionality similar to foobar but
with flexability of an applet (Chris)

* screenshooter: ported 	
* many applets removed -  fifteen, geyes, life, odometer, another_clock,
asclock, jbc clock, cpumemusage, stripchart, sound-monitor,
slash-applet, webcontrol, quicklaunch, tickastat, whereami 
* applets not ported or not working - 
  charpicker: ported but doesn't work
  gweather, gtik: need porting to gnome-vfs from ghttp

get it here:


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