Re: Regressions in GNOME 2 vs 1.x

On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 14:18, Alex Larsson wrote:
> On 8 Feb 2002, Trever L. Adams wrote:
> > This is my biggest beef with GNOME 2.  Why not do:
> > 
> > d) only group if there would be more than Y windows in group.
> > 
> > I hate the b) (even if it works, it sounds like it just doesn't do what
> > I want).
> All of the UI guys claim that is a very bad way to do grouping.
> / Alex

Well, I will admit, I am no usability expert.  However, this feature is
what made GNOME appear easy to use to my mother.  My father loves it. 
It fits my style of working perfectly.  My wife found it cool.  I don't
know about others.

I think this is the right way to do it, because on a limited number of
windows, you may not want it to group, but it does allow you to have a
PREDICTABLE point before grouping.  Predictability I think is a major
part of usability.


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