Re: cd burning in gnome

On 5 Dec 2002, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> Hello,
> > Theoretically: unassisted backup programs.  Realistically: an OSX-like
> > burning interface inside rhythmbox.
> A burning application probably wants to have a very tight control over
> the burning process.  For instance, burning audio tracks or burning
> files on an ISO file system.  Unless the VFS would provide every
> possible case and usage scenario, applications like Rhythmbox would have
> to contain two separate code paths.

And it gets even more complex if you want to support multisession cd-s
nicely. CD(-RW)/DVD(+/-)(R/RW) is really way too specialised api and
operations to be included in gnome-vfs, just like you wouldn't put code
for filesystem-like control of weather stations or microwaves ovens or
x-10 controllers or printers in gnomw-vfs.

> It also would make Rhythmbox depend on bug fixes and improvements to be
> done on the gnome-vfs module.
> Miguel


	There are voices in the street,
	And the sound of running feet,
	And they whisper the word --

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