[Deskbar] Hi all!

Hi all!
First of all i want to tell you all are doing a great job with deskbar, this application is just amazing! Thank you guys!

I want improve my python skills so i decided to build a simple handler for deskbar using the examples in the web. Cause of my work, sometimes i have to do little queries against a ldap server, so why not build a handler to do that.
This is what i done, but i have some questions:

* I have not used the async handler cause when you search through a ldap server you usually know its structure (subtrees,attribs ...), so i decided to limit the search using pre ("ldap") and post ("#") strings in the query, for example if you wanna search the users with uid starting with "lau" the entered query should be : ldap uid=lau*#.
There is an alternative? May i search pairs attrib value? Any suggestion?

* Debugging the handler with the windowed mode i see that the last query i do in a session is repeated while handler's load, delaying the deskbar load. Is this a bug, a feature?

* In the method query of the handler the max param is set to 5 by default, but i see that this method is called with a value of 6 :?

* Exists a method called when the bar is dispossed? It could be usefull for closing sessions against the ldap server ...

I released a earlier version (you can find it in http://ww.ardeenelinfierno.com/deskbar). You can test it, now is configured to work with the ldap of rediris (a global net of the universities in Spain), you can browse this ldap via web too (http://www.rediris.es/ldap/ldap-es/navega?h=ldap.rediris.es:1389&b=dc=rediris,dc=es)
Some search examples:
ldap uid=laura#
ldap uid=c*#
ldap (&(uid=c*)(givenName=ch*))

And this is my story.
Thanks again for your fantastic application!

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