Re: [Deskbar] Deskbar Applet 0.8.1 Released

On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 22:01 +0200, Raphael Slinckx wrote:

> ====================
> Deskbar Applet 0.8.1 -- The eye of Sauron is moving
> ====================

In addition to this change, i cvs tagged the state of CVS:
cvs tag -c DESKBAR_APPLET_0_8_1

This will allow us to have a CVS snapshot as of that release number, in
the future we will make those on each release.

I also created a branch to allow us to work on cuemiac without messing
with HEAD, so, to have a normal, "not C-ized" deskbar:

cvs co deskbar-applet / cvs update -dP

To start hacking on the C, do a new checkout:

cvs co -r cuemiac deskbar-applet / cvs update -dP

For future reference, the branch point is tagged as CUEMIAC_BRANCHPOINT,
incidentally in the same state as DESKBAR_APPLET_0_8_1 tag..

For the cuemiac branch, i cleared the changelog to make merging back
easier, but it still should be used.

Mikkel, you should simply update your -devel checkout using cvs update
-dP -r cuemiac , to continue working, we will then be able to use
patches. Maybe you should apply for a gnome cvs account ?

That said..

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