Path URI requiring leading /

Hello everyone,

I've been affected by bug 889895, and have been trying to look around
for a solution.  I can clearly find in the ConfigURIPart.vala where we
check to make sure the string has a leading slash and add it if it is
not present, but when I remove that section of the code, the box
simply clears all input if the input does not have a slash in front.
There is obviously a second check for the prepended slash, but for the
life of me, I can't find it.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be happy to look
into what it would take to fix.  Of course, doing so may simply be
easier for someone better schooled in both vala and in deja-dup, but I
am willing to do my best!

Thanks, in advance.


Harlan Lieberman-Berg

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