Re: How to check which filters are installed?


On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 08:49 +0200, Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:
> How can I check which filters are actually installed and used?

There's no way to do this right now.  Almost everything in the Filters
directory is built, so you can take a look at the in there
to see which ones are built.

I'd be happy to take a patch, though!

> I have the impression that the contents of e.g. my pdf files are not
> indexed, although I have installed pdfinfo. 

The PDF filter is always built in, so you should see an error in the
logs if a file couldn't be indexed for some reason.

> An other example is that I have messages in the logfiles saying "No
> filter for [zipfilename] (application/zip)". Does that mean that a zip
> filter is not installed by default?

Correct.  If you see that, then there is no filter available for that
mime type.


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