Re: libbeagleglue error

Hi Joe

The problem was that beagled did not find (I only had a That's strange 'cause I rebuild beagle after I updated libgsf.

Mono-INFO: DllImport attempting to load: 'libbeagleglue'.
Mono-INFO: DllImport loading location: 'libbeagleglue'.
Mono-INFO: DllImport error loading library: ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'.
Mono-INFO: DllImport loading library: './libbeagleglue'.
Mono-INFO: DllImport error loading library './ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'.
Mono-INFO: DllImport loading: 'libbeagleglue'.
Mono-INFO: DllImport error loading library ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'. (beagled:965): Mono-WARNING **: DllImport unable to load library ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'.


Quoting Joe Shaw <joeshaw novell com>:
Try running beagled with MONO_LOG_LEVEL=debug MONO_LOG_MASK=dll and see
what errors you get.  If the problem is that it can't find at all, then you need to add the path to
LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/  If the problem is that it can't
find the wrap_gettid() function, then you probably forgot to run "make
install" after a recent build.


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