Re: Hi all, and help please.

On 1/9/06, Joe Shaw <joeshaw novell com> wrote:

On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 22:58 -0600, David Uvalle wrote:
> Im trying to use the text-indexer but i got the next error.
>  davor linux:> mono text-indexer.exe -i ../../example1.txt
> no such file (/home/davor/.dashboard/backend-data/text-index/basis.db)
> and a lot of unhandled exceptions, how do i generate the "basis.db"
> file ?
> I have Mono.Data.SqliteClient.dll and use mono version
> What am I doing wrong ?

That code hasn't been touched in 2.5 years, so it's no wonder it doesn't
work. :)

Right now dashboard is on hold in favor of finishing Beagle, which will
be the indexer for dashboard going forward.  What are you looking to do,

I am interested in contribute with the backends of dashboard related to semantic web, like FOAF, RDFWeb, OWL, etc...

Now i would try to help in beagle development.



David Uvalle

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