Re: Beagle Searching

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Is it normal that it creates a directory named "1" in my home directory
with a lot of empty files number 1 to 1000+.... ?

D Bera wrote:
> Hi
>> My partition is formatted as FAT32... I save all my Music, Picture etc
>> videos in that partition... Is that a problem because FAT32 partitions
>> can't use extended partitions ? So I can't index it and use Beagle with it ?
> You can use FAT32 partitions with beagle. Except it wont be as fast as
> using extended attributes. (I dont think it will be unusably slow, but
> YMMV).
>> By the way, I just realized that it doesn't index my home directory but
>> the gaim logs...
>> Is there a complete documentation for me to fully configure Beagle to my
>> needs ?
> *sigh* nops. I recently fixed a few outdated man pages. Documentation
> in beagle really needs some help. Both man pages, wiki-help pages.
> *** While I am on this, can someone using beagle-search change the
> beagle picture on main page ? Last I checked, it
> was a picture of the outdated 'best'.
>>> 2) I can search through my Gaim logs in my home directory... Than I
>>> added another partition (/pub) which I use for all my files such as
>>> Music, Video, Pictures, Text files etc... But I can't search.. I tried
>>> some keywords but nothing happened..
> My guess is it'll take some time. Though /pub should be picked up and
> traversed and indexed (unless there is some bug in detecting adding of
> roots in real-time), you can stop and restart beagle to be fully sure.
> - dBera
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Debajyoti Bera @
> beagle / KDE fan
> Mandriva / Inspiron-1100 user
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