Re: inotify_add_watch: Permission denied


On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 11:09 +0100, Hamish wrote:
> I tried changing <AllowRoot>false</AllowRoot> to true in ~/.beagle/daemon.xml 
> and run as root, and this seems to work (sudo beagled) - it gives a report of 
> what is currently being indexed, and finally reports indexing finished, but i 
> cannot connect to this daemon. If i try beagle-index-info while running sudo, 
> i get an error saying could not connect to daemon.

I recommend against ever running beagle with "sudo".  It'll just mess up
the permissions in your home directory.  The AllowRoot setting is to
allow root desktop sessions to use beagle.

The crash isn't really related to the inotify_add_watch() error,
although it is perhaps an indicator of why things are crashing.  It
looks like you don't have read access to your home directory.  Are you
sure you're the owner?  I'd also recommend doing "chown -R
<user> .beagle" to fix any ownership problems created by using "sudo".


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