Re: Best Clear

Hi Dennis,
    Thanks for trying to fix the bug. However, I found that your fix
has a side effect. It basically sends a query of "" to the daemon
which returns no hits - as a result clearing the canvas. This causes
an unnecessary query being send to the daemon. I think to the clear
the results, one just needs to clear the simpleroottile root of the
    It would also be nice to have an additional "Clear" button in the
best window itself.
- Bera

On 10/1/05, Dennis Snell <dmsnell purdue edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> 	I'm new to this list, and I just made my first BUGFIX - er,
> IMPROVEMENT.  When clicking 'Clear' in the Best tray icon, it clears the
> history, but leaves the search results in the main window.
> 	This relates to Bug 315984 and I solved it by adding two lines in the
> BestWindow.cs file.
> @@ -615,6 +615,8 @@
>                 public void ClearHistory ()
>                 {
>                         history.Clear ();
> +                       Search("");
> +                       UpdatePage();
>                 }
> 	This solves the problem, but I don't know if people want those results,
> I sure like it to clear everything when I hit 'Clear'.  I'm not sure,
> however, what to do now that I made the change.

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