Beagle crash on FC4

Hi there, I'm running beagle CVS on FC4 with mono 1.8.1, gmime 2.1.5
Here is the beagle crash from which I can't understand much.

What do you think is the problem?


INFO: Starting Beagle Daemon (version 0.0.12)
DEBUG: Command Line: /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --fg --debug
DEBUG: Starting main loop
DEBUG: Starting messaging server
DEBUG: Starting QueryDriver
DEBUG: worker added: name=server 'socket' refcount=1
DEBUG: Found index helper at /usr/lib/beagle/beagled-index-helper
DEBUG: Starting Inotify Backend
DEBUG: Pre-populated UniqueIdStore cache with 1322 items in ,03s
DEBUG: Loaded 10 records from /home/gbil/.beagle/FileSystemIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0,001s
DEBUG: Loaded 329 records from /home/gbil/.beagle/LauncherIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0,006s
DEBUG: Found 10 types in BeagleDaemonLib, Version=, Culture=neutral
DEBUG: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+IndexingConfig from indexing.xml
DEBUG: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+SearchingConfig from searching.xml
DEBUG: Adding root /home/gbil
INFO: Starting Evolution mail backend
INFO: Starting launcher backend
INFO: Scanning Launchers
INFO: Starting Evolution mail backend
INFO: Starting Gaim log backend
INFO: Scanning Liferea feeds...
INFO: Gaim log backend worker thread done in ,01s
INFO: 20 files will be parsed (scanned in ,01s)
DEBUG: Starting mail crawl
DEBUG: Mail crawl finished
INFO: Evolution mail driver worker thread done in ,17s
INFO: Found 1479 Launchers in ,00s
INFO: Launcher backend worker thread done in 1,66s
INFO: Scanning Tomboy notes...
INFO: Scanned 3 notes in ,02s
DEBUG: Starting Scheduler thread
DEBUG: Starting Inotify threads
DEBUG: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+IndexingConfig from indexing.xml
DEBUG: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+SearchingConfig from searching.xml
DEBUG: Daemon initialization finished after 2,76s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///usr/share/applications/kde/thinkpad.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///usr/share/applications/kde/thinkpad.desktop in ,00sDEBUG: Starting task file:///usr/share/applications/kde/useragent.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///usr/share/applications/kde/useragent.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///usr/share/applications/kde/xserver.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///usr/share/applications/kde/xserver.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/cxoffice-app-00000.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/cxoffice-app-00000.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/cxoffice-app-00001.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/cxoffice-app-00001.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/cxoffice-app-00002.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/cxoffice-app-00002.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/fedora-bmp-usercustom-1.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/fedora-bmp-usercustom-1.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/fedora-bmp-usercustom.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/fedora-bmp-usercustom.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/livna-totem-usercustom-1.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/livna-totem-usercustom-1.desktop in ,00s
DEBUG: Starting task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/livna-totem-usercustom.desktop
DEBUG: Finished task file:///home/gbil/.local/share/applications/livna-totem-usercustom.desktop in ,00s

(beagled:5686): libebook-WARNING **: Unknown value `BASE64' for ENCODING parameter.  values will be treated as raw

(beagled:5686): libebook-WARNING **: Unknown value `BASE64' for ENCODING parameter.  values will be treated as raw
DEBUG: Caught ResponseMessageException: Connection refused
DEBUG: Launching helper process
DEBUG: Starting messaging server
DEBUG: worker added: name=server 'socket-helper' refcount=1
DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=9,8 MB, size=1,00, 0,0%
DEBUG: worker added: name=HandleConnection (1) refcount=1
DEBUG: worker added: name=HandleConnection (1) refcount=1
DEBUG: worker added: name=HandleConnection (2) refcount=1
DEBUG: worker removed: name=HandleConnection (2)
DEBUG: Flushing...
DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=21,4 MB, size=2,18, 29,4%
DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=21,6 MB, size=2,20, 29,9%
DEBUG: Scanned 1322 subdirs in 11,53s
INFO: FileSystemQueryable start-up thread finished
WARN: Exception caught while executing Beagle.Daemon.ConnectionHandler:Void HandleConnection()
WARN: System.IO.IOException: Lock obtain timed out: Lock@/home/gbil/.beagle/LauncherIndex/Locks/lucene-8925334bb2451b1b56b6015c96ec5b48-commit.lock
in <0x001a1> Lucene.Net.Store.Lock:Obtain (Int64 lockWaitTimeout)
in <0x00025> Lucene.Net.Store.Lock+With:run ()
in <0x00075> Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader:Open (Lucene.Net.Store.Directory directory, Boolean closeDirectory)
in <0x0000c> Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader:Open (Lucene.Net.Store.Directory directory)
in <0x00494> Beagle.Daemon.LuceneDriver:Flush ()
in <0x004b8> Beagle.Daemon.RemoteIndexerRequest:Process (IIndexer indexer)
in <0x001e4> Beagle.IndexHelper.RemoteIndexerExecutor:Execute (Beagle.RequestMessage raw_request)
in <0x004bf> Beagle.Daemon.ConnectionHandler:HandleConnection ()
in (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()
in <0x0001f> Beagle.Util.ExceptionHandlingThread:ThreadStarted ()
DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=21,6 MB, size=2,20, 30,0%
DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=21,7 MB, size=2,20, 30,0%

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