Fix for Tomboy indexing

Attached is a simple patch to fix a bug in the Tomboy indexer.  After
the initial installation of Tomboy, there is no Backup Directory created
until a note is deleted.  These changes enable it to work without the
Backup directory and, if it is created, starts to watch it too.  Patch
is against current CVS.

Larry Reaves
--- beagle/beagled/TomboyQueryable/TomboyQueryable.cs	2005-01-25 18:14:22.736263736 -0500
+++ beagle-tomboyfix/beagled/TomboyQueryable/TomboyQueryable.cs	2005-01-25 19:11:03.540262944 -0500
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
 			base.Start ();
-			// FIXME: We should do something more reasonable if
-			// ~/.tomboy doesn't exist.
-			if (! (Directory.Exists (notesDir) && Directory.Exists (backupDir)))
+			if (! Directory.Exists (notesDir) ) {
+				log.Info("Failed to Scan Tomboy, perhaps it is not installed");
+			}
 			Inotify.EventType mask;
 			mask = Inotify.EventType.MovedTo
@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@
 				| Inotify.EventType.Modify;
 			wdNotes = Inotify.Watch (notesDir, mask);
-			wdBackup = Inotify.Watch (backupDir, mask);
+			if ( Directory.Exists (backupDir) )
+				wdBackup = Inotify.Watch (backupDir, mask);
 			Inotify.Event += OnInotifyEvent;
@@ -104,11 +106,22 @@
 			//Console.WriteLine ("*** {0} {1} {2}", path, subitem, type);
 			// Ignore backup files, tmp files, etc.
-			if (Path.GetExtension (subitem) != ".note")
+			if (subitem != "Backup" && Path.GetExtension (subitem) != ".note")
 			if (wd == wdNotes && type == Inotify.EventType.MovedTo) {
-				IndexNote (new FileInfo (Path.Combine (path, subitem)), Scheduler.Priority.Immediate);
+				if (subitem == "Backup") {
+					Inotify.EventType mask;
+					mask = Inotify.EventType.MovedTo
+						| Inotify.EventType.MovedFrom
+						| Inotify.EventType.CreateFile
+						| Inotify.EventType.DeleteFile
+						| Inotify.EventType.Modify;
+					wdBackup = Inotify.Watch (backupDir, mask);
+					log.Info("Tomboy: Backup dir was created, adding file descriptor");
+				} else
+					IndexNote (new FileInfo (Path.Combine (path, subitem)), Scheduler.Priority.Immediate);
 				//Console.WriteLine ("Indexed {0}", Path.Combine (path, subitem));

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