Re: backend implementations

On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 19:02 +0530, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:
> 	- Backends derive from LuceneQueryable (if it queries/stores index 
> from/in Lucene), in beagled/LuceneQueryable.cs, which is derived from 
> the interface IQueryable (beagled/Iqueryable.cs).

Varadhan is right: IQueryable is the interface that backends need to
implement.  LuceneQueryable has convenience functions to take care of
many of the lucene-related details, interacting nicely with the
scheduler, etc.

You could in theory write a backend in another language, but you'd need
to write some C# glue that would implement IQueryable and take care of
all of the details -- either passing queries around via d-bus or
P/Invoking into the code.  This would be substantially harder to get
right, though... it is best to just use C# unless you have some sort of
incredibly compelling reason to do otherwise.

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