Beagle Newsletter 1/24/05

Beagle Newsletter

24 January 2005

Welcome to another edition of the Beagle Newsletter. If you're new to

the project you can read up about it on our website:


Log Viewer

   Lukas Lipka created the long awaited IM log viewer for Beagle.

   This is launched when you click on a IM Log result in Best.  It

   allows you to browse other log's in a very convenient fashion.

   The log viewer is based on Tuomas Kuosmanen's  design.

Memory Usage

   Jon Trowbridge has been using a memory profiler on Beagle

   and removed many unnecessary memory allocations.  This is

   solving one of the most discussed problems with Beagle, in

   its massive memory usage.  The profiler that is being used is

   the experimental mono memory profiler by Ben Maurer.

Liferea Backend

   Carl-Emil Lagerstedt wrote a backend to index RSS feeds

   used by the Liferea feed reader.  Beagle now indexes RSS

   feeds from both Liferea and Blam.

Web Service Interface

   Vijay K. Nanjundaswamy has been working on a web service

   interface for Beagle.  The interface can query beagled via

   SOAP and display results in a web browser.  Check it out


Application Launchers

   Joe Gasiorek added a backend to Beagle to index application launchers.




   Beagle was awarded the "Most Anticipated Application" award for 2004 from Ars


   Fredrik Hedberg's work on a Windows version of Beagle

   got mentioned on Slashdot:

   You can see a screenshot at:

   Grab the latest version here:

   Learn about how to get it running in this thread:

   Nat Friedman created some very cool flash

   movies demoing various aspects of Beagle.  Watch

   how easy it is to create a Beagle Client or take 

   advantage of inotify.  View them at:


   This month saw new releases of gmime (2.1.10)

   and D-BUS (0.23).  With this new convenience it

   is no longer a requirement to get any code from

   GNOME CVS or Mono svn.  Joe Shaw has updated

   the Wiki with the latest software requirements.

Disappearing Icons

   Joe Shaw tracked down one of the most mysterious

   problems with Beagle last week.  Due to a feature

   in Mozilla-1.7, the way Best referenced images was

   not allowed.  This problem has been fixed in CVS.

As always if you have any input to how the next

Beagle Newsletter should be distributed or what

should go in it please email Joe Gasiorek at

joe gasiorek gmail com

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