Best error

Hello all,
I have not been able to find the answer to this problem. I have beagle
installed and running great on NLD 9 from the Novell Experimental
Server. However I can only query from cli using beagle-query. When I try
and launch "Best". I get this error.

Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException:
in <0x00053> (wrapper managed-to-native)
Beagle.Util.GeckoUtils:blam_gecko_utils_init_services ()
in [0x00000]
(at /tmp/bb-daemon.36389/beagle-snaps/beagle/BUILD/beagle-0.0.5/Util/GeckoUtils.cs:67) Beagle.Util.GeckoUtils:Init ()
in [0x00022]
(at /tmp/bb-daemon.36389/beagle-snaps/beagle/BUILD/beagle-0.0.5/Best/Best.cs:71) Best.Best:Main (string[]

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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