Beagle Packages for NLD

	Hello all,
	I was wondering if there were going to be updated packages for NLD/SuSE
users for beagle and all of its dependencies.  I've been having some
difficulty building things from CVS and am looking for a way to be able
to show it off without having to dig too deeply into the code to get
everything working.  The site doesn't have
anything more recent than beagle
which won't even install anymore due to a dependency on
=mono(gmime-sharp)-[[Any]] (currently using
	Is there a better place to be pulling regular builds than the mde
channel or is there some other place to pull pre-built packages?  The
progress I've seen with the snapshot builds has been incredible and I
would dearly love to be able to keep up.
	Thanks and keep up the great work,
	Dan Elder

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