Re: Python hookup to beagle for querying indexed data

On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 07:22 -0800, Michael Hay wrote:
> I'm trying to have a python client make queries into Beagle any
> helpful hints or thoughts on this?

Call the NewQueryPath method in the com.novell.Beagle.Factory interface
on the /com/novell/Beagle/Factory object.  That will construct a
server-side query object and returns a path to it as a string.

The methods in the com.novell.Beagle.Query interface can then be used to
define the search string, etc. for the Query.  (Look in
BeagleClient/QueryProxy.cs to see the definition of that interface.)
Hits come back asynchronously --- you need to listen for the
HitsAddedAsBinary event to get the results.  Hits are encoded as binary
blobs.  Look at WriteAsBinary and ReadAsBinary methods in
BeagleClient/Hit.cs to figure out how to decode them.

The source code for beagle-query is in tools/Query.cs.  It might help to
look at that too.

Good luck,

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