Evolution mbox folders and beagle

Hi all,

I've tried the hack presented in http://www.antezeta.com/beagle to index my MBOX

I have : 

  - created an evolution account

  - copied my MBOX file in the evolution mail folder (~/.evolution/mail/local)

  - launched Evolution and clicked on the  MBOX file (now an Evolution
  folder) to  create  the Evolution metafiles (*.cmeta,  *.ev-summary,
  *.ibex.index, *.ibex.index.data)
but beagle does not index the messages in that new evolution folder.

Actually,  if I move   some messages from   this  folder to the  Inbox
folder, beagle indexes them without any problems.

Do you have experienced similar problems on Evolution folders ?


David Coeurjolly - Chargé de recherche CNRS
Laboratoire LIRIS-UMR 5205
Batiment Nautibus, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France
Tel : (+33) [0]  Fax : (+33) [0]

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