PATCH: Make Abiword a front-end

I now have permission to release my AbiDash patch. Here is the first
version. The patch applies in abiword-plugins/tools/abidash, against
either abiword-2.1.91 or abiword-2.96

This emits a textblock clue consisting of the paragraph text, when the
cursor moves into a paragraph.

There are few lines of work towards emitting document level meta-data as
clues at document open, but this does not yet emit a cluepacket.

diff -u -N xp-orig/AbiDash.cpp xp/AbiDash.cpp
--- xp-orig/AbiDash.cpp	2004-10-29 10:05:35.000000000 +0100
+++ xp/AbiDash.cpp	2004-10-29 10:11:40.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
  * AbiDash - Abiword framework for the notification based notification based
  * plugins. Designed in particular as a framework for Dashboard.
  * Copyright (C) 2004 by Martin Sevior
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 QinetiQ Plc.
+ *       Author Julian Satchell <j satchell eris qinetiq com>
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -20,9 +22,9 @@
-#define abi_plugin_register abipgn_abigimp_register
-#define abi_plugin_unregister abipgn_abigimp_unregister
-#define abi_plugin_supports_version abipgn_abigimp_supports_version
+#define abi_plugin_register abipgn_abidash_register
+#define abi_plugin_unregister abipgn_abidash_unregister
+#define abi_plugin_supports_version abipgn_abidash_supports_version
 #include "ut_assert.h"
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
 #include "fl_BlockLayout.h"
 #include "pd_Document.h"
+#include "dashboard-frontend.c"
 #include "ut_types.h"
 #include "ut_misc.h"
@@ -88,14 +91,52 @@
 virtual bool notify(AV_View * pAView, const AV_ChangeMask mask)
-//			printf("I've been notified!! View = %x hint mask %d \n",pAView,mask);
+			UT_UTF8String sText = "";
+			const char *ptext;
+			PD_Document *    arg_pCurDoc;
+			fl_BlockLayout * arg_pCurBlock;
+			//printf("I've been notified!! View = %x hint mask %d \n",pAView,mask);
 			FV_View * pView = static_cast<FV_View *>(pAView);
-			if(m_pCurView == NULL)
+			m_pCurView = pView;
+			arg_pCurDoc = pView->getDocument();
+			if (arg_pCurDoc != m_pCurDoc)
+			{
+				char *clue, *cluepkt;
+				UT_UTF8String tText = "";
+				m_pCurDoc = arg_pCurDoc;
+				m_pCurDoc->getMetaDataProp (PD_META_KEY_TITLE, tText);
+				/* FIXME We should gather some more document
+                                         properties, and emit a clue packet 
+                                         containing all these clues*/
+			}
+			m_iCurPoint = pView->getPoint();
+			arg_pCurBlock=	pView->getCurrentBlock();
+			if (m_pCurBlock != arg_pCurBlock )
-				m_pCurView = pView;
-				m_pCurDoc = pView->getDocument();
-				m_pCurBlock = pView->getCurrentBlock();
-				m_iCurPoint = pView->getPoint();
+				m_pCurBlock = arg_pCurBlock;
+				if (m_pCurBlock!=NULL)
+				{
+					char *clue, *cluepkt;
+					m_pCurBlock->appendUTF8String(sText);
+					if (sText.byteLength()==0) 
+						return true;
+					ptext =  sText.utf8_str();
+					printf("I've been notified!! Text is |%s|\n", ptext );
+					/* Paragraph clue */
+					cluepkt = dashboard_build_cluepacket_then_free_clues 
+						("Abiword",
+						 true,
+						 "Abiword",/* FIXME This context argument
+							      should probably be the filename or URL*/
+						 dashboard_build_clue (ptext, "textblock", 10),
+						 NULL);
+					printf("CP !%s!\n", cluepkt);
+					dashboard_send_raw_cluepacket(cluepkt);
+				}		
 			return true;
diff -u -N xp-orig/dashboard-frontend.c xp/dashboard-frontend.c
--- xp-orig/dashboard-frontend.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ xp/dashboard-frontend.c	2004-10-29 10:13:22.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/giochannel.h>
+#define DASHBOARD_PORT 5913
+#define NATMIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+ * Open a connection to the dashboard.  We never block and at
+ * the first sign of a problem we bail.
+ */
+static int
+dashboard_connect_with_timeout (int  *fd,
+				long  timeout_usecs)
+	struct sockaddr_in  sock;
+	struct timeval      timeout;
+	fd_set write_fds;
+	*fd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+	if (*fd < 0) {
+		perror ("Dashboard: socket");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Set the socket to be non-blocking so that connect ()
+	 * doesn't block.
+	 */
+	if (fcntl (*fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
+		perror ("Dashboard: setting O_NONBLOCK");
+		if (close(*fd) < 0)
+			perror ("Dashboard: closing socket (1)");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	bzero ((char *) &sock, sizeof (sock));
+	sock.sin_family      = AF_INET;
+	sock.sin_port        = htons (DASHBOARD_PORT);
+	sock.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr ("");
+	timeout.tv_sec = 0;
+	timeout.tv_usec = timeout_usecs;
+	while (1) {
+		/*
+		 * Try to connect.
+		 */
+		if (connect (*fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sock,
+			     sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) {
+			if (errno != EAGAIN &&
+			    errno != EINPROGRESS) {
+				perror ("Dashboard: connect");
+				if (close(*fd) < 0)
+					perror ("Dashboard: closing socket (2)");
+				return 0;
+			}
+		} else
+			return 1;
+		/*
+		 * We couldn't connect, so we select on the fd and
+		 * wait for the timer to run out, or for the fd to be
+		 * ready.
+		 */
+		FD_ZERO (&write_fds);
+		FD_SET (*fd, &write_fds);
+		while (select (getdtablesize (), NULL, &write_fds, NULL, &timeout) < 0) {
+			if (errno != EINTR) {
+				perror ("Dashboard: select");
+				if (close(*fd) < 0)
+					perror ("Dashboard: closing socket (3)");
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if (timeout.tv_sec == 0 && timeout.tv_usec == 0) {
+			fprintf (stderr, "Dashboard: Connection timed out.\n");
+			if (close(*fd) < 0)
+				perror ("Dashboard: closing socket (4)");
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return 1;
+typedef struct {
+	char *rawcluepacket;
+	int bytes_written;
+} CluepacketInfo;
+static gboolean
+cluepacket_write_cb (GIOChannel   *channel,
+		     GIOCondition  cond,
+		     gpointer      user_data)
+	CluepacketInfo *info = (CluepacketInfo *)user_data;
+	GIOError err;
+	gsize total_bytes;
+	total_bytes = strlen (info->rawcluepacket);
+	do {
+		gsize b;
+		err = g_io_channel_write (channel,
+					  info->rawcluepacket + info->bytes_written,
+					  total_bytes - info->bytes_written,
+					  &b);
+		info->bytes_written += b;
+	} while (info->bytes_written < total_bytes && err == G_IO_ERROR_NONE);
+	if (err == G_IO_ERROR_NONE) {
+		/* We're all done sending */
+		fprintf (stderr, "Dashboard: Sent.\n");
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if (err == G_IO_ERROR_AGAIN) {
+		/* Hand control back to the main loop */
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	/* Otherwise... */
+	fprintf (stderr, "Dashboard: Error trying to send cluepacket.\n");
+	g_io_channel_close (channel);
+	g_free (info->rawcluepacket);
+	g_free (info);
+	return FALSE;
+static void
+dashboard_send_raw_cluepacket (const char *rawcluepacket)
+	int fd;
+	GIOChannel *channel;
+	CluepacketInfo *info;
+	fprintf (stderr, "Dashboard: Sending cluepacket...\n");
+	/* Connect. */
+	if (! dashboard_connect_with_timeout (&fd, 200000))
+		return;
+	channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (fd);
+	info = g_new0 (CluepacketInfo, 1);
+	info->rawcluepacket = g_strdup (rawcluepacket);
+	g_io_add_watch (channel,
+			(GIOCondition)(G_IO_OUT | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL),
+			cluepacket_write_cb,
+			info);
+	g_io_channel_unref (channel);
+#endif /* GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2,0,0) */
+ * Sends a raw cluepacket to the dashboard.
+ */
+static void
+dashboard_send_raw_cluepacket_sync (const char *rawcluepacket)
+	int                 fd;
+	int                 total_bytes;
+	int                 bytes_written;
+	const char         *p;
+	int                 eagain_count;
+	fprintf (stderr, "Dashboard: Sending cluepacket...\n");
+	fprintf (stderr, "Cluepacket: %s\n", rawcluepacket);
+	/* Connect. */
+	if (! dashboard_connect_with_timeout (&fd, 200000))
+		return;
+	/* Write out the cluepacket */
+	total_bytes = strlen (rawcluepacket);
+	bytes_written = 0;
+	p = rawcluepacket;
+	eagain_count = 0;
+	while (bytes_written < total_bytes) {
+		int b;
+		b = write (fd, p, total_bytes - bytes_written);
+		if (b < 0) {
+			fprintf (stderr, "Dashboard: Error writing: %s\n", strerror (errno));
+			if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
+				close (fd);
+				return;
+			}
+			eagain_count ++;
+			if (eagain_count > 10) {
+				close (fd);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		bytes_written += b;
+		p += b;
+	}
+	close (fd);
+	fprintf (stderr, "Dashboard: Sent.\n");
+#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2,0,0)
+static char *
+lame_xml_quote (const char *str)
+	char       *retval;
+	const char *p;
+	char       *q;
+	if (str == NULL || strlen (str) == 0)
+		return g_strdup ("");
+	retval = g_new (char, strlen (str) * 3);
+	q = retval;
+	for (p = str; *p != '\0'; p ++) {
+		switch (*p) {
+		case '<':
+			*q ++ = '&';
+			*q ++ = 'l';
+			*q ++ = 't';
+			*q ++ = ';';
+			break;
+		case '>':
+			*q ++ = '&';
+			*q ++ = 'g';
+			*q ++ = 't';
+			*q ++ = ';';
+			break;
+		case '&':
+			*q ++ = '&';
+			*q ++ = 'a';
+			*q ++ = 'm';
+			*q ++ = 'p';
+			*q ++ = ';';
+			break;
+		default:
+			*q ++ = *p;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	*q = '\0';
+	return retval;
+static char *
+dashboard_xml_quote (const char *str)
+	return g_markup_escape_text (str, strlen (str));
+	return lame_xml_quote (str);
+static char *
+dashboard_build_clue (const char *text,
+		      const char *type,
+		      int         relevance)
+	char *text_xml;
+	char *clue;
+	if (text == NULL || strlen (text) == 0)
+		return g_strdup ("");
+	text_xml = dashboard_xml_quote (text);
+	clue = g_strdup_printf ("    <Clue Type=\"%s\" Relevance=\"%d\">%s</Clue>\n",
+				type, relevance, text_xml);
+	g_free (text_xml);
+	return clue;
+static char *
+dashboard_build_cluepacket_from_cluelist (const char *frontend,
+					  gboolean    focused,
+					  const char *context,
+					  GList      *clues)
+	char  *cluepacket;
+	char  *new_cluepacket;
+	GList *l;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (frontend != NULL, NULL);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (clues    != NULL, NULL);
+	cluepacket = g_strdup_printf (
+		"<CluePacket>\n"
+		"    <Frontend>%s</Frontend>\n"
+		"    <Context>%s</Context>\n"
+		"    <Focused>%s</Focused>\n",
+		frontend,
+		context,
+		focused ? "true" : "false");
+	for (l = clues; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+		const char *clue = (const char *) l->data;
+		new_cluepacket = g_strconcat (cluepacket, clue, NULL);
+		g_free (cluepacket);
+		cluepacket = new_cluepacket;
+	}
+	new_cluepacket = g_strconcat (cluepacket, "</CluePacket>\n", NULL);
+	g_free (cluepacket);
+	cluepacket = new_cluepacket;
+	return cluepacket;
+static char *
+dashboard_build_cluepacket_v (const char *frontend,
+			      gboolean    focused,
+			      const char *context,
+			      va_list     args)
+	char    *cluep;
+	GList   *clue_list;
+	char    *retval;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (frontend != NULL, NULL);
+	cluep     = va_arg (args, char *);
+	clue_list = NULL;
+	while (cluep) {
+		clue_list = g_list_append (clue_list, cluep);
+		cluep = va_arg (args, char *);
+	}
+	retval = dashboard_build_cluepacket_from_cluelist (frontend, focused, context, clue_list);
+	g_list_free (clue_list);
+	return retval;
+static char *
+dashboard_build_cluepacket (const char *frontend,
+			    gboolean    focused,
+			    const char *context,
+			    ...)
+	char    *retval;
+	va_list  args;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (frontend != NULL, NULL);
+	va_start (args, context);
+	retval = dashboard_build_cluepacket_v (frontend, focused, context, args);
+	va_end (args);
+	return retval;
+static char *
+dashboard_build_cluepacket_then_free_clues (const char *frontend,
+					    gboolean    focused,
+					    const char *context,
+					    ...)
+	char    *retval;
+	char    *cluep;
+	va_list  args;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (frontend != NULL, NULL);
+	/* Build the cluepacket */
+	va_start (args, context);
+	retval = dashboard_build_cluepacket_v (frontend, focused, context, args);
+	va_end (args);
+	/* Free the clues */
+	va_start (args, context);
+	cluep = va_arg (args, char *);
+	while (cluep) {
+		g_free (cluep);
+		cluep = va_arg (args, char *);
+	}
+	va_end (args);
+	return retval;
+#endif /* ! __DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_H__ */

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