Re: dbus CVS and Gentoo

Am Donnerstag, den 21.10.2004, 14:06 +0100 schrieb Anthony Batchelor:
> Hi,
>   I have tried getting Beagle working and appear to be able to get it
> up and indexing (but I can't get best to connect to it, but that's
> another story).  Anyway,  I'm running Gentoo w/ Gnome 2.8 and with
> that dbus.  I can compile and install dbus cvs and link over the
> original dbus files, and bealge works.  However, when I boot, dbus
> isn't started properly and then nautilus fails.  I then have to
> re-emerge dbus befire I can start nautilus.  Is there anyway I can get
> dbus CVS to play nicely with Gentoo? or do I have to jump between the
> two versions whenever I want to do anything?
> Cheers,

Try the dbus-ebuild from bmg ( - works for me.

Hendrik Brandt

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