[Beagle] Questions Re: Epi Extensions & Best Icons

Here are a couple of questions from a Beagle newbie.  I'm using SuSE
9.1, with Mono from the rpm's at go-mono, an inotify kernel and other
necessities from Nat's red carpet site, and dbus and beagle from CVS
today. I'm also using James Cogley's ULB-Gnome.

First question:  Somewhere on the Beagle wiki it says that Beagle will
index pages browsed with Epiphany if the Epiphany extensions are
located in the right place.  What is the right place?  Whether using
the Epiphany extensions devel package provided by ULB or building the
source from the Epiphany site, autogen.sh/configure don't enable that
capability, reporting missing dependencies.  The extensions are
installed, the right pkgconfig file is in a directory included in
PKG_CONFIG_PATH,  and Epiphany can find them. Where does the CVS
autogen expect them to be located?

Second question:  Beagled apparently works, as does Best.  When Best
returns a series of hits to a query, the results are displayed wih an
accompanying icon. A cursor hovered over one of those icons appears as
the familiar "hand" pointer. However, if I click or right-click on an
icon -- as I would do to display the contents of the hit -- nothing
happens.  Is something supposed to happen?

Thanks -- BillG

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