Yet another bug, .ico support?


I got another exception dealing with an .ico file.

Unhandled Exception: GLib.GException: Couldn't recognize the image file
format for file
in <0x0008a> Gdk.Pixbuf:.ctor (string)
in <0x0008f> Dashboard.WebLinkMatchRenderer:CompositeEmblemIcon (string)
in <0x000af> Dashboard.WebLinkMatchRenderer:HTMLRenderSingleWebLink
in <0x000bf> Dashboard.WebLinkMatchRenderer:HTMLRenderMatches
in <0x00070> Dashboard.DashboardWindow:MatchesToHtml
in <0x003da> Dashboard.DashboardWindow:EngineMatchSetToHtmlGroupByType
in <0x0007d> Dashboard.DashboardWindow:UpdateGUI ()
in <0x0002b> (wrapper native-to-managed)
Dashboard.DashboardWindow:UpdateGUI ()
in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application:gtk_main ()
in <0x00004> (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application:gtk_main ()
in <0x00007> Gtk.Application:Run ()
in <0x00007> Gnome.Program:Run ()
in <0x000c0> Dashboard.Driver:Main (string[])



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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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