File renderer
- From: Kevin Godby <godbyk yahoo com>
- To: dashboard-hackers gnome org
- Subject: File renderer
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 00:40:24 -0500
This renderer should work in conjunction with Nat's new Dewey backend.
If you have any suggestions for improvements or if you find any bugs,
please let me know.
You can download the renderer from here:
And the latest screenshot from here:
Kevin Godby <godbyk yahoo com>
// GNOME Dashboard
// FileMatchRenderer.cs: Knows how to render File matches.
// Author:
// Kevin Godby <godbyk yahoo com>
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
[assembly:Dashboard.MatchRendererFactory ("Dashboard.FileMatchRenderer")]
namespace Dashboard {
class FileMatchRenderer : MatchRenderer {
public override void Startup ()
Type = "File";
public override string HTMLRenderMatches (ArrayList matches)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
XmlWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter (sw);
xw.WriteStartElement ("div"); // Start the File results block
xw.WriteElementString ("u", "Files"); // Print the title
xw.WriteStartElement ("table"); // Start the results table
xw.WriteAttributeString ("width", "100%");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("border", "0");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("cellpadding", "0");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("cellspacing", "0");
bool color_band = true;
foreach (Match m in matches) {
HTMLRenderSingleFile (m, color_band, xw);
color_band = !color_band;
xw.WriteEndElement (); // End results table
xw.WriteEndElement (); // End File results block
xw.Close ();
Console.WriteLine ("-- File Renderer ----------------------------------------------------");
Console.WriteLine (sw.ToString ());
Console.WriteLine ("---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
return sw.ToString ();
private void HTMLRenderSingleFile (Match m, bool color_band, XmlWriter xw)
string Path = Convert.ToString (m ["Path"]);
string Text = Convert.ToString (m ["Text"]);
string Icon = Convert.ToString (m ["Icon"]);
// Strip protocol from file
// FIXME: Will we ever see a non-file:// protocol?
string File = Path;
if (File.StartsWith ("file://"))
File = File.Substring (7);
// Check to make sure the file exists
FileInfo file = new FileInfo (File);
if (!file.Exists) {
Console.WriteLine ("Ack! File does not exist: {0}", Path);
Console.WriteLine ("File name: {0}", file.FullName);
Console.WriteLine ("Creation time: {0}", file.CreationTime);
Console.WriteLine ("Last Access time: {0}", file.LastAccessTime);
Console.WriteLine ("Last Write Time: {0}", file.LastWriteTime);
Console.WriteLine ("Size: {0}", file.Length);
string LastModifiedDate = file.LastWriteTime.ToLongDateString ();
xw.WriteStartElement ("tr");
if (color_band) // highlight every other row
xw.WriteAttributeString ("bgcolor", "#eeeeee"); //originally #f6f2f6
xw.WriteStartElement ("td");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("valign", "top");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("align", "center");
// Show the file's icon (and make it a link)
xw.WriteStartElement ("a"); // link
xw.WriteAttributeString ("href", Path);
xw.WriteStartElement ("img"); // icon
xw.WriteAttributeString ("src", Icon);
xw.WriteAttributeString ("border", "0");
xw.WriteEndElement (); // img
xw.WriteEndElement (); // a
xw.WriteEndElement (); // td
xw.WriteStartElement ("td");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("valign", "top");
xw.WriteStartElement ("font"); // Make the font smaller to fit window width
xw.WriteAttributeString ("size", "-1");
// Print the filename (w/ hyperlink)
xw.WriteStartElement ("a");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("href", /* "file://" + */ Path);
xw.WriteString (Text);
xw.WriteEndElement (); // a href
xw.WriteStartElement ("br");
xw.WriteEndElement (); // br
// Print 'Last modified: date'
xw.WriteStartElement ("font");
xw.WriteAttributeString ("color", "#666666");
xw.WriteString ("Last modified: " + LastModifiedDate);
xw.WriteEndElement (); // font
xw.WriteEndElement (); // font
xw.WriteEndElement (); // td
xw.WriteEndElement (); // tr
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