Re: Pork Frontend

Hello, Christopher.

I've committed this frontend to cvs.  

Thanks for your work on this!

--Kevin Godby  <godbyk yahoo com>

On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 20:24 -0600, crschmid uiuc edu wrote:
> Pork is a command line based AIM client that behaves a lot like irssi. A 
> pretty decent client, but no one's bothered with Dashboard support for 
> it yet.
> So, I hacked up some dashbaord support. It's got some limitations, all 
> described in the header file, which I'll repeat here:
>  Simple Pork script to send dashboard information
>  Usage: Place in a directory, and after pork has started, type 
>         /perl_load /location/of/file
>  Requirements: Needs the Dashboard perl package, distributed with Dashboard
>  Features: Sends aim_name clues based on aim name, as well as textblock clues
>            of messages, both sent and recieved.
>  Limitations: There is no way to determine focus from the perl hooks in
>               pork. As such, all conversations send cluepackets for aim
>               name and text. A patch to the actual pork code will likely be
>               needed to add focus capability to dashboard packets.
>  Written by Christopher Schmidt (crschmid uiuc edu), last modified 03-29-04
> Script is attached.
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> crschmid uiuc edu

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