Re: deps ? Re: Planning for March/April GNOME.

On 24 Feb 2000, Bruce Stephens wrote:

> > I know that cvs gnome-pilot requires : GOB and pilot-link gnome-pim
> > then requires gnome-pilot if you want conduit support.
> GOB sounds familiar.  However, that's just the point: the FAQ
> <URL:> doesn't say
> anything about GOB.

No, GOB is included under "And then anything else" :)

> If people (like me) who haven't been tracking the development releases
> for GNOME are to have a chance of building it (as opposed to
> installing from binary packages), then there's a need at least for
> something equivalent to the section in the FAQ.  

The last release (0.1.48) shouldn't have any especially odd dependencies
(except gnome-pilot before gnome-pim).

> just be a list of modules that just about everything else is going to
> need (like ORBit, glib, gtk+, and, I presume, GOB).

Uhm, that's a more generel gnome issue.


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