Re: Stand-Alone lunar calendar

On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 11:10:07AM -0500, Russell Steinthal wrote:
> > We can define an arbitrary number of months per year, an arbitrary number 
> > of days per month. You can also of course customize the names of the 
> > days/months. These will be store in an XML file for each 'type' of 
> > calendar. I believe that the 'time' system should be ignored (e.g. the 
> > default time on the system) cos no calendar (to my knwoledge) effects 
> > time :) Since this is a lunar calendar (which ihs usually non-English 
> > languages) how do we 'internationalize' strings in an XML file? This is 
> > one thing I don't know how to do - Anyone got a clue?
> XML can be internationalized, but I don't remember exactly how.  
> E-mail Daniel Veillard if you can't figure it out, I guess.

  XML has a xml:lang="..." attribute which is dedicated to tag
the language of that document subtree. The best way is then to
have sibling elements in ths structure carrying each a different
xml:lang attribute and with the proper localized content

      <descr xml:lang="en">Some english text</descr>
      <descr xml:lang="fr_FR">Pareil en francais</descr>
      <descr xml:lang="fr_CA">Si ma tante avait des gosses ...</descr>

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