Screen size issue...

I wrote some time ago about the issue of screen size (resolution),
noting that some GNOME apps launched windows which didn't fit on 
the (non-upgradeable) 640x480 panel on my laptop, and some others
(the calendar being a good example) launched dialogue boxes which
were similarly outsized.

None of the updated GNOME RPMs since then have done anything to
rectify this whatsoever. :)

However, I just snagged the latest version (0.50.4) of the window
manager I use (Blackbox), and it has an Alt-LeftButton function
to move windows that launch with their gadgetry in all the wrong
places like that.  So now I can - woohoo! - add events to the
calendar, and stuff like that.

Which means I can *finally* ditch that pokey ol' iCal! :)

Mind you, I'd still like to encourage folks to be more aware of
"small" displays.


Dan Birchall, Haddonfield NJ.  Linux, NEC Versa 2000C, Cannondale
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