Rejecting known crashers

I want to reject known (FIXED!) crashers like bug 153888
(nautilus_directory_are_all_files_seen) in Halloween. That is the part
that reads the bug-buddy reports. I'd expect that would avoid most of
the dupes.

When it sees a new bugreport from a fixed crasher, Halloween should
reject the bugreport. The reject message should include the bugreport
with the fix (bug 153888) and some statement that the user should
upgrade to a newer version.

I don't want it to automatically determine the stacktraces to reject.
I'd like that part to be handled manually. As it would reside in
Halloween it wouldn't be able to connect to bugzilla anyway
(theoretically it could, but isn't wanted).

I'm thinking of a list like program-map.txt, see*checkout*/halloween/

There are some possible problems I can think of when automatically
rejecting bugreports:
1. Regressions aren't seen. Eg, problem appears in GNOME 2.8; reappears
in 2.16 and nobody notices.
2. Rejects the wrong bugreport.

Solutions I can think of:
1. I believe the list should have a regexp of the version the
stacktrace has been fixed in. This regexp should be for the GNOME part
(because the real version field isn't always correct). I want it to be
a regexp so that 2.12 is not thought of as older than 2.8.
2. This is why the stacktraces must be added manually

The list would have for example (all on one line):
153888 /^GNOME2\.8\./  nautilus_directory_are_all_files_seen
nautilus_directory_add_file nautilus_desktop_icon_file_new
nautilus_desktop_link_get_type nautilus_desktop_link_new_from_volume

I'll steal the stacktrace fetching from dupfinder.

One thing that might be handy is an extra field specifying a custom
error message. Eg, after the regexp either '-' for the default error
message or a filename for a custom one.

Ideally I'd want something like this to work for open bugreports, but
this will have to do for now.



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